Where the ladies?

Mar 02, 10 at 3:42am
So, how are you guys going to get women on this site lol
Smart question, heh. I noticed, somehow, that my other dating site had a 1 to 4 ratio of females to males, which was better than expect, but it started out like all-guys at first. They'll come eventually, I'm sure. But I'm also working on getting some advertising targeted to female-gamers, that should help.
Mar 02, 10 at 3:56am
Like pink controllers and shit? Bitches love those. Uh...what are the rules for this place?
I thought the bitches loved smiley faces...
Yo where all the white women at?
I'm not sure on the rules yet. Keep it civil at least. Whatever encourages people to be themselves while at the same time getting more people to join. Lol.
Mar 02, 10 at 4:05am
Yeah those too. Maybe if everybody post more replies with smiley faces they'll show up :)
Nice idea ^_^ <- that's my most used smiley. But when I'm busy I just do "XD" since it will fit with anything.
Hi guys ^o^
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