

31 year old Male
about 11 years ago
Indianapolis, IN
If you didn't read above, my name is Rob and I am twenty years old. I am very passionate about not just games, anime, and movies, but technology itself at it's core. I also love reading, writing, nature (ironically), animals, and of course food. I like to consider myself as a jack-of-all-trades. I want to learn and try my hand at all I can. We only have one life, so make the most of it. I'm currently looking at schools, mostly for a IT position right now. And now on to games. First thing you should know about me, I'm a completionist of sorts, when the mood strikes me. This means I strive for all the secrets, goodies, endings, items, achievements/trophies, everythng the game has to offer. This is only for certain games I love though and deem it worth my time to do so. This means I typically just stroll through games like first person shooters and other online games. The type of games I try to accel at and complete are the adventure, platforming, and RPG games. I am not a fanboy of any console and all I care about are the games. Weather it be Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft, come one come all. I do have a beef with Microsoft however because of their grubbiness and awful policies. Some of my favorite games are Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed III, Final Fantasy VII, and Hitman: Blood Money. You can find me on YouTube, Twitter, Lunch.com, Xbox Live, and PSN, all @YodaSan2. Hit me up.
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