

55 year old Male
almost 12 years ago
"I was an adventurer once......."

I am intelligent, geeky (all the way down to my Batman belt buckle), and intuitive.. I am a homeless man, not the greatest thing in the world, i know.. but sh*t happens right?? I am really good at way to many things.. and horrible as way to many others.. Yes, I have issues, but every one in the world have some issue.. if you think you don't, good luck with your delusional life style.. Some things I could never do with out in my life >> My sons (all three of them), Good coffee, Good Music (Lacuna Coil rules my inner ear, and I mostly listen to metal and rock, but the taste is wide over all), Good Film (The whole of the Dark Knight Trilogy, Both TREK films (Into Darkness was crazy good, The Breakfast Club, these are all on the high points of film to me), A Good Book The Shanara series and Game of Thrones series are, yet again, crazy good) mostly it is Sci-Fi and Fantasy I read, but the taste is wide over all, Good TV (NCIS< The Big Bang Therory, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Arrow, Vikings, god there is alot of good TV at the moment lol, and lastly, my ASUS g73jw, of course I am a PC gamer, I play many many games, Tekkit (Minecraft), Aram 3, Neverwinter, Civ V, Torchlight 2, Titan Quest IT, Grim Dawn, and countless others when the mood strikes. So that is me in short.. I am just me, nothing more, nothing short of.. just me.. What am i after here?? Friendship, Honesty, Passion, Commitment, Life.. I am NOT after a sugar momma.. I only mention that because of the fact that I am homeless.. I do not need a free ride down the road of life.. If there is something you want to know the just ask, I am no liar, it seems so pointless.. Thanks for reading and viewing.. Be safe in all you may do..
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