

49 year old Male
over 14 years ago
My Description:
I am a fun guy. I do like to go out when I can, but I enjoy staying in and having fun with people at home too. I enjoy video games, comic books, and having a conversation about whatever pops in my head. I enjoy being the center of attention, but get shy and nervous when talking in public. I am currently working on my BS in computer network security. I hope to one day be the guy that companies hire to tell them where the holes are in their security.

My Match Description:
I am looking for a friend, maybe one with benefits after things are comfortable between us. If the relationship goes beyond friends, you have to be doting. This doesn't mean I have the right to ignore you, and i expect you to tell me if i ever do; it just means I want to always feel I am the most important person in your life. I expect you to expect no less of me. I can be monogamous and really prefer it that way, but I do not want to live with you or share anything that can't be easily replaced if you decide you are done with our friendship/relationship. I am not saying this to be mean, just being practical and realistic.
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