

35 year old Male
about 11 years ago
liecester, United Kingdom
So i started my online gaming career back in 2004, i mean don't get me wrong,I have gaming all my life but that's when the real stuff(online Multiplayer) got me #Addicted.
I started on original XBox when they first launched Xbox Live The First game i took a liking too was Halo(offline) thus when the online came only logical to play Halo 2 and Counterstrike :).Went on to play Halo 3, Reach(a bit),GOW , GOW2, COD4, COD MW, COD MW2 and various others but they were my main ones.
From there i found i became a semi-professional Halo Player in a Team Called 'Weazels' we Travelled around the UK competing in small Tournaments,only to find that we were not quite up to the standard for the MLG PRO Tournaments.
at this point i decided time to get a job gaming career isn't going to happen haha.
so I joined the military(as you do O.O) no time for gaming whatsoever, After a year and a half i tried to go back to my xbox bought the Elite 360 turns out as you get older you get slower and more rubbish at games haha so Dilemma where do i go with this? Embrace it as a sign to not give up gaming but to change what i play, I moved to PC Gaming and here i am, I play LOL, WOW, Minecraft, Rust, Hearthstone, Startcraft and Dota 2. I play lots of oddgames But again they are the mains.
Always wondered if it was ever possible for me to meet a girl who i like and likes gaming as much as i do XD
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