

Last online about 7 years ago
So here is the thing, I'm just looking for friends. Over time it can turn into something beyond that but I am in no rush. We can talk via private message. kik, discord, steam or texting.

I am a complex 27 year old living alone in central IL. I don't work or go to school(you'd have to ask), I spend my days doing my various hobbies which include gaming and watching anime. I also read, write, draw and knit. I also love Greek mythology and consider it my religion.

My sexuality is asexual[which does not mean celibacy i'd suggest researching before assuming] and despite what a lot think its not fake, made up, or "haven't met the right person".

If i seem like someone you'd get along with them hit me up. Know I am looking for something real not a fling. You can send me a text 217-931-1734. DO NOT CALL ME! or add me on discord/kik/steam and its ninjapandasattack

For your convenience here is the games i play online and offline

Pc: no room in ****, PoE, Torchlight 2, portal knights, grim Dawn, trove, how to survive, and don't starve together, don't starve together(online) and Fate RuneScape

Xbox 360: Online: Diablo 3 ros, resident evil 5-6, Minecraft, mass effect 2, dead island, borderlands 2, tomb raider, fable 2-3, farcry 4, terraria, kinect adventures, red faction. Not online: Assassin's creed 1-2, bioshock 2, DMC(1), fable anniversaries, fallout 3/new vegas, Darksiders, evil within, Nier, brothers, dust, KoA, rayman 3, torchlight, skyrim

Ps3: online: last of us, uncharted 1-3, ac Black flag. Not online: persona 3-5, God of war 1-2, heavy rain, infamous, kingdom hearts 1, ni no kuni.

Wii U: Online: Smash bros and Splatoon. Not online: Zelda breath of the wild/windwaker/oot/minish cap, dk 64
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