

37 year old Male
almost 12 years ago
About What's up. It's really not that much I can say. I'm a single young black man with no kids although I would like to have some one day. I currently work in retail as a manager. Not the best job in the world but the money is good lol. On the side Im a music producer. I'm very passionate about my music and any music in general really. If you would ask me about todays music now a days I would tell you its hot garbage lol. I also enjoy writing although I haven't been doing too much of it like I use to. Some say I have a weird sense of humor but I'm a funny person to be around. I'm real laid back and don't let too much get to me. My off time consist of either chilling and hanging out, heavy xbox 360 playing or working on new ideas for new music. I prefer fighting and shoot em up games mostly but I play almost all types. So anything else you wanna know just hit me up.
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