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Dirtnap @dirtnap
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Dirtnap @dirtnap
Hello Hello

MsTiaSophia @mstiasophia
MsTiaSophia @mstiasophia
World of Warcraft players!
Ask me for my Battle tag!
(Alliance need not apply.)
Lok'tar Ogar!
Looking for World of Warcraft friends!

MsTiaSophia @mstiasophia
Looking for World of Warcraft friends!
MsTiaSophia @mstiasophia
I'm on quite a bit, yet I don't seem to have anyone to regularly talk to or hang out with.
I'd be willing to share my Battle.Net email so we could chat and adventure in-game!
Also, I only rolled Horde toons, and it will stay that way. ;]
Lok'tar Ogar!