

31 year old Male
over 7 years ago
Great Falls , MT
At heart, I'm a nerd. I'm into video games, movies, television, anime, books, and pretty much anything else within that culture. I get asked why I enjoy these things so much and, to be perfectly honest, it just comes down to how these forms of entertainment allow people to escape the world for a moment and experience something completely new. One thing I do want to clear up is that even though this might make me sound like a homebody, which I'll be honest by saying that I am, I just as much enjoy going out and experiencing life. This includes playing and watching sports, going to shows, hanging out with friends, enjoying the outdoors, and partaking in things I haven't even considered trying yet. Besides my nerdy side I simply try to enjoy all aspects of life to the best of my abilities; life is simply too short not to try and do that. I've very humble, I'm sensitive, I don't yell, I joke around a lot even though I do know how and when to be serious, and at the end of the day I just try and do my best to be a good person. Now up until this point in my life I've shared these interests with only friends and family. But that also means that I've had times where I've enjoyed these things by myself, which is something I don't want to do anymore. I'm hoping to find someone to share these interests with and to share the experiences that come with enjoying them. This also means that I am hoping to find someone who will allow me to share in their unique interests as well. In the end though, I am looking for something that could be permanent. I'm not looking for something to just last a couple of weeks and end just as fast as it started. I'm looking for something real and long-term and I'm looking forward to meeting someone who thinks in a similar manner and has similar interests as well as future goals.
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